The work differently than watercolours, or painting with a brush using inks, don't they .......

The next thing I realised is that in order for me to get the delicate shading I am used to, I will need to buy more copics. I understand it is recommended to get a light, medium and dark in each of your preferred colours. ............. mmmmmm $$$$$
I tried using the blender to soften various bits, but realised that my cardstock was not suitable for this type of colouring either.
mmmmm, not having a very good experience for a first attempt.

Once again, I couldn't get the gradient of dark to light the way I wanted it without damaging the cardstock using the blender.
The embossing came back to shiny again, once I reheated it ;-)
This one is a bit more successful, but once again, I am going to need many more copics to get the same effect as my watercolour pencils/inks.
Here they are, side by side, and don't look too bad in the photo, but in real life, I am quite disappointed with them.
The iris image with the heat embossing has turned out the best. I will have a bit more of a play during the week when it is nice and quiet at home, but me thinks they may be appearing on ebay some time in the near future.