The previous two weeks have been a bit of a blur with funeral arrangements and such, but I was able to spend some 'creative' time when making up Dad's memorial cards.
It was a kind of theraputic release :)
The beautiful flowers from Mr Fixit's side of the family :) ........ they lasted more than a week!
I have received some lovely cards from friends :)
from two of my 'crafty' friends Kaye & Mandy
from my friend Paula, and family friend Maureen
I leave you with this message (part of a comment left on Facebook for me, by a very dear long-time family friend)
Hold your loved ones tight, and tell them
you love them, it's so important; you never know what could be around the
Thank you for visiting my blog today - I hope you have a good day.
Remember, any day doing something you love makes it a good day ;-)

Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.